Socialist - Capitalist and Mixed

Socialist is a person who aims for "service" as her prime importance of any actions.
Capitalist is a person who aims for "profit" as her prime importance of any actiosn.
Mixed is Indian Economy, we are neither capitalist nor socialist.
In this context, I do have question, whether Technologies ultimate is Wealth?
i.e., Wealth gives meaning to Technologies or Technologies is a stand-alone entity.

I support the latter. "Jacquard Loom" is a complete stand-alone entity, which we
accept as technology and history or innovation. "Jacquard Loom" is very old
weaving machine which can weave a cloth from Programmable patterns or from
Sr Holerith punched cards.

Innovation is greater than value attributed to her. Similarly, Techonologies greater than value attributed to her. Technologies are ART, Technologies are SCIENCE,
we extrapolate Technologies are ECONOMY too no doubt. But most go behind Technologies are Economy path only, for them ART and SCIENCE are meaningless and powerless.

Inflation will descend or ascend it is immaterial we encounter because we are positive of "Monsoon Economy". Stand by we have "Uranium Economy" or "Oil Economy".
